A Stroll Through Amsterdam

In this video, a traveler takes a stroll through Amsterdam, including the Red Light District. The video gives a feel for the ambience of this unique city. In this video, you can see that bicycles play an important role among residents to travel around the city. You can also see how coffee shops that offer cannabis shape its atmosphere. This is an excellent video with tips for travelers and a good overview of the history of the city for those planning on visiting Amsterdam. It has received over one million views on YouTube.

Uncensored View of Amsterdam Red Light District

This is another highly popular video of Amsterdam’s underworld, with over two million views. It’s not as popular as the “Coin” video, but it’s possibly more interesting as it provides a brief perspective from a couple of sex workers. This video provides a glimpse of the unique, anything goes atmosphere in the central part of the city.

Sexbots in Amsterdam by 2050

According to the Daily Mail, researchers at New Zealand’s Victoria Management School imagined how the world of prostitution in the Amsterdam Red Light District will exist in 2050 and predict that human prostitutes will be replaced by sexbots — artificial humans designed to pleasure humans sexually — by that year. They hope this will lead to the elimination of STDs as well as human trafficking, and will provide men and women a guilt-free experience.